Over 46 years ago my parents named me Baerbel
- the "little" Barbara. In Greek and Latin it means the 'stranger'. Although I
am not a stranger to Germany, I have always been enjoying learning other languages and
getting to know other cultures.
My experience includes:
- 24 years' experience teaching English, Russian and
- 4 years' experience guiding foreign tourists through
(Eastern)Germany as well as German tourists through the former Soviet Union, Poland, Czech
and Slovak Republics as well as Hungary. Served as both interpreter and travel guide.
- 1 year of intensive study in Russia.
- Study and extensive travel in the United States, Canada
and the United Kingdom.
- Experience
in teaching German as a foreign language
and Business English (at vocational school)
For inquiries of MUNDRA´s translation and tour guide services.,
contact me at: